Six Months into the Therapy Journey, Travel, and Health Check.

Monthly medication – Kesimpta doses have become a routine, and the good news is no MS relapses or troubling side effects. I even ventured across the pond to Europe, tackling my active life and diet commitments with diligence. Most importantly, a maximum of two pints of beer per day was hard to follow during my visit to Liverpool. Adhering to the drinking limit felt surprisingly liberating, free of headaches, something that I have always associated with travel in the UK.     

Authentic Beatles revival at The Cavern Club in Liverpool

Post-European escapade, I hopped into the MRI tube for a brain and spine check, and the visuals were a joy – no signs of active disease progression, no shifts compared to the previous scans. Cue the virtual confetti!

My neurologist, while optimistic, wisely urged caution, deeming one year the yardstick for treatment effectiveness. Fair enough, I thought, recalling my personal milestone: three years sans relapses or disease progression warranting a celebratory dance.

A pitstop at my primary care physician’s office followed. MS, a heavyweight problem on its own, deserved exclusive attention. Acknowledging my past skirmish with high triglycerides and cholesterol, I braced for the results. Alas, the numbers echoed an unwelcome tune. Elevated cholesterol levels nudged at intervention.

The doctor dangled statins, but I declined. One lifelong companion medication sufficed. After some research on statins, I concluded that my risk of developing a cardiovascular problem is low, and I knew that it should be possible to decrease cholesterol levels with just diet, exercise, and Omega3 fatty acids. These little warriors vowed to thwart plaque formation in veins – the nemesis of high cholesterol. Diet, exercise, and Omega-3 supplementation became my arsenal against cardiovascular woes.  

As I gear up for another European journey, lasting nearly a month, the challenges of staying faithful to diet and exercise loom large. The foreign terrain and time zone juggle test my commitment. Packing swimsuits and running shoes, I’ve learned to embrace flexibility and be ready to swim, hit the gym, or run whenever possible.

Traveling, however, unveils its own set of dilemmas. The dual fears of diet deviations wreaking havoc and the perpetual concern of running out of medication lingered. Ordering the Kesimpta pen in advance, wrangling a “vacation” override, and managing refrigeration needs all preoccupied my thoughts. The insulated lunchbox, housing an icepack, became my trusty travel companion, ensuring medication stability.

The journey continues as the bags are packed, and everything’s set for departure. Stay tuned for more updates as I travel through foreign landscapes and uphold my health regimen to keep up the active life with MS. Cheers to chugging along!

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