Tag: Healthy Lifestyle

  • Permanent Testing of Comfort Zone Boundaries and Fighting MS

    Permanent Testing of Comfort Zone Boundaries and Fighting MS

    So, I’ve embraced a regular exercise routine and am engaging in several out-of-the-box athletic activities. The goal is to keep moving, have some fun, and engage in challenges outside my comfort zone. One of the reasons behind my articles and this blog was to give other people with MS hope, motivation, and possibly inspiration. I…

  • Backcountry Challenge with Friends for Healthy Mental Stability

    Backcountry Challenge with Friends for Healthy Mental Stability

    In my quest for a healthier lifestyle, I’ve embraced a straightforward exercise plan I outlined earlier. The goal is to find joy in movement and nurture my body through activities that bring both physical and mental well-being. Today, I would like to expand on this and focus a little more on a challenge to overcome…

  • Review of New Developments in Treatment of MS: DMT and Supportive Care 

    Review of New Developments in Treatment of MS: DMT and Supportive Care 

    Here is my review of new developments in treatment and supportive care for multiple sclerosis (MS). First, I will focus on disease-modifying therapies (DMT). I see DMTs as a base treatment that everyone with MS should be on. The introduction of DMTs over the last 30 years has fueled a tremendous advancement for MS patients.…

  • Recap on the Two-Year MS Anniversary Since DMT Start

    Recap on the Two-Year MS Anniversary Since DMT Start

    It’s been two years already! And I still feel fantastic as I continue with my MS plan: DMT, diet, and exercise. I have made some updates to improve consistency for possible followers in my MS anniversary recap. My Health Recap Notes Here are a few bullet points on my health and MS-related observations. Outlook Overall,…

  • Health Review: MS Stable and Victory in Cholesterol Battle!

    Health Review: MS Stable and Victory in Cholesterol Battle!

    My descent into the Grand Canyon and the spectacular mountain biking during the spring adventure in Utah and Arizona energized me. Charged with confidence, I am going to see my neurologist to confirm my MS is stable. It’s been six months since the last health review and nineteen months since starting therapy, and everything feels…

  • Adventure Camping Trip: Dipping into Heat of the Grand Canyon.

    Adventure Camping Trip: Dipping into Heat of the Grand Canyon.

    So, I continued my routine exercise sessions throughout the winter. The regular activities were spiced by great skiing thanks to excellent snow through April. I felt prepared for an adventure camping trip west of Colorado, toward Moab, Utah, and Grand Canyon, Arizona. I left home together with a group of friends. We were six guys…

  • My First Annual MS Checkup and Health Review.

    It has been more than one year since I started Kesimpta treatment and almost 16 months since my RR-MS diagnosis. I am due for an annual checkup with my neuro and MS in focus. The report so far? Smooth sailing! I did not have any relapses since the beginning of the treatment. This was further…

  • Six Months into the Therapy Journey, Travel, and Health Check.

    Monthly medication – Kesimpta doses have become a routine, and the good news is no MS relapses or troubling side effects. I even ventured across the pond to Europe, tackling my active life and diet commitments with diligence. Most importantly, a maximum of two pints of beer per day was hard to follow during my…

  • Embracing Healthy Lifestyle: My Commitment to Balanced Diet

    Embracing Healthy Lifestyle: My Commitment to Balanced Diet

    In the pursuit of overall well-being, I’ve embarked on a journey to overhaul my dietary habits. Recognizing the profound impact of diet and nutrition on all people with or without MS and their physical and mental health in general, I’ve decided to adopt a more balanced and sustainable approach to what goes on my plate.…

  • Finding Joy in Movement: My Simple Exercise Routine

    Finding Joy in Movement: My Simple Exercise Routine

    In my quest for a healthy lifestyle, I’ve embraced a straightforward yet effective exercise plan that fits seamlessly into my routine and MS. The goal isn’t about setting records or pushing limits; it’s about finding joy in movement and nurturing my body through activities that bring both physical and mental well-being. Running: Three times a…