Finding Joy in Movement: My Simple Exercise Routine

In my quest for a healthy lifestyle, I’ve embraced a straightforward yet effective exercise plan that fits seamlessly into my routine and MS. The goal isn’t about setting records or pushing limits; it’s about finding joy in movement and nurturing my body through activities that bring both physical and mental well-being.

Running: Three times a week, I hit the pavement, covering around 6 kilometers (~4 miles) each time. The pace is easy, a slow jog lasting 30 to 40 minutes. It’s not about sprinting; it’s about enjoying the rhythm of each step and the fresh air.

Core Exercises: Twice a week, I dedicate time to core exercises. This includes push-ups and ab-crunches, fundamental moves that help strengthen my core and build overall stability. Recently, I’ve added pull-ups to the mix, a new challenge that keeps things interesting.

Mountain Biking: I take my trusty mountain bike for a spin at least once a week, weather permitting. Exploring single tracks covering 10 to 20 miles brings my routine an exhilarating, high-intensity element. This is my outdoor escape, especially during the March to November stretch when trails are free of ice and snow.

Reaching the top of Mt. Bierstadt with my wife is pushing exercise further the simple routine a bit.
Reaching the top of Mt. Bierstadt with my wife is pushing the exercise load a little further than the simple routine.

Winter Skiing: In the winter, hitting the slopes is a non-negotiable. Skiing at least once a week provides a fantastic full-body workout and injects a dose of winter magic into my routine. This is only possible between December and May in Colorado, so I am trying to make the most of it. Occasionally, I like adding multi-day skiing stretches into the routine if my schedule allows it.

Swimming: While not a regular activity, I’m eager to increase its frequency. Swimming offers a low-impact yet highly effective workout, and I’m excited to make it a more frequent part of my routine. It is also something I enjoy during my travels where a gym or a swimming pool is often the best option for exercise.  

Squash/Tennis Aspirations: My love for racket sports, particularly squash and tennis, is on hold due to back issues. However, I’m determined to make a comeback. It’s a goal I’m working towards, and I’m taking it one step at a time.

Hiking: Colorado and the neighboring states offer an excellent opportunity to explore the great outdoors through camping and hiking. It’s a wonderful activity to share with my family, exploring stunning locations while setting up camp. While this typically involves low-intensity training, the real magic lies in the mental health boost that comes from escaping the hustle and bustle of daily life. And, on occasion, we might even conquer a fourteener or two, dialing up the intensity and turning our outdoor adventures into exhilarating challenges.

Tracking Progress: I rely on my trusty Polar smartwatch and Polar Flow to keep tabs on my fitness journey. These tools not only help me stay on track but also allow me to celebrate small victories and track my progress over time.

This exercise plan isn’t about rigid schedules or pushing to the extreme, but about a healthy lifestyle with MS. It’s a collection of activities that bring me joy and keep me moving. Each run, bike ride, or swim is a celebration of what my body can (still) do, and I’m excited to see where this simple yet consistent routine takes me on this journey to a healthier and happier self.

With MS on my mind, I acknowledge that certain aspects of this routine, particularly the more challenging parts of it, may not always align with the unpredictability of this condition. Once a relapse happens, I anticipate integrating the less demanding activities from my repertoire.  I hope I won’t have a chance to explore the tune-down necessity anytime soon.

7 responses to “Finding Joy in Movement: My Simple Exercise Routine”

  1. […] the chosen DMT. A visit to my primary care physician highlighted the positive impacts of diet and exercise, shedding a cool 10 pounds. However, the struggle with high triglycerides and cholesterol persists. […]

  2. […] Consistently three to five times a week – I already have a solid ongoing exercise and running program. I need a more robust plan with more depth to improve consistency and follow-through even if circumstances, such as weather or travel, do not allow all activities. Here is a link my detailed plan. […]

  3. […] I continued my routine exercise sessions throughout the winter. The regular activities were spiced by great skiing thanks to excellent snow […]

  4. […] been two years already! And I still feel fantastic as I continue with my MS plan, diet, and exercise. I have made some updates to improve consistency for possible […]

  5. […] my quest for a healthier lifestyle, I’ve embraced a straightforward exercise plan I outlined earlier. The goal is to find joy in movement and nurture my body through activities that […]

  6. […] mostly.  Oh well, my bike is working, and I must get up to speed as I go. I continued with my exercise routine as planned and felt prepared and […]

  7. […] did continue my exercise routine, though, and was still nurturing the idea that I could pull it off alone or with […]

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