Category: My Health Progress Updates

  • My MS Anniversary: No Disease Progression after Three Years on Therapy!

    My MS Anniversary: No Disease Progression after Three Years on Therapy!

    I cannot believe that it has been three years since I started fighting the dreadful disease! Though, apart from a few hiccups, it was a smooth ride.   To recapitulate, the MS diagnosis has affected my life tremendously in many ways. I have changed my diet and become more focused and consistent with my exercise routines. I think…

  • CellBB: the Secret Weapon in My Fight against MS

    CellBB: the Secret Weapon in My Fight against MS

    As I promised when launching this blog, I have been testing a supplement that I thought could help me in my fight with Multiple Sclerosis (MS). I am now ready to share my experience and thoughts! Let me start with a short intro for those who have not followed my journey. I’ve been looking at…

  • Health Insurance Hopping while Gathering MS Medication

    Health Insurance Hopping while Gathering MS Medication

    In this post, I’d like to share challenges I came across while managing multiple health insurance coverage changes while getting expensive treatment required for my MS every month. This can be very demanding for those who do not know; health insurance carriers require prior authorization (PA) for most of the specialty medication needed for MS.…

  • Recap on the Two-Year MS Anniversary Since DMT Start

    Recap on the Two-Year MS Anniversary Since DMT Start

    It’s been two years already! And I still feel fantastic as I continue with my MS plan: DMT, diet, and exercise. I have made some updates to improve consistency for possible followers in my MS anniversary recap. My Health Recap Notes Here are a few bullet points on my health and MS-related observations. Outlook Overall,…

  • Health Review: MS Stable and Victory in Cholesterol Battle!

    Health Review: MS Stable and Victory in Cholesterol Battle!

    My descent into the Grand Canyon and the spectacular mountain biking during the spring adventure in Utah and Arizona energized me. Charged with confidence, I am going to see my neurologist to confirm my MS is stable. It’s been six months since the last health review and nineteen months since starting therapy, and everything feels…

  • My First Annual MS Checkup and Health Review.

    It has been more than one year since I started Kesimpta treatment and almost 16 months since my RR-MS diagnosis. I am due for an annual checkup with my neuro and MS in focus. The report so far? Smooth sailing! I did not have any relapses since the beginning of the treatment. This was further…

  • Six Months into the Therapy Journey, Travel, and Health Check.

    Monthly medication – Kesimpta doses have become a routine, and the good news is no MS relapses or troubling side effects. I even ventured across the pond to Europe, tackling my active life and diet commitments with diligence. Most importantly, a maximum of two pints of beer per day was hard to follow during my…

  • My Plan for Active Life with  MS

    My Plan for Active Life with  MS

    As the reality of my health and future well-being settled in, I dove headfirst into resurrecting old ideas on creating a plan for leading a healthy and active life with MS. “How to live a healthy and active life” became my mantra, sparking a journey into research and self-discovery. First on my agenda was the…

  • Diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis Experience: Can I Avoid Disability?

    In my blog, I combine my personal experience with health challenges, particularly in the wake of my diagnosis of multiple sclerosis (MS) in the summer of 2021. Coping with this new reality presented a formidable challenge, and I struggled to gather the needed information to navigate this uncharted territory. It occurred to me that others…

  • Adjusting to Life with Multiple Sclerosis

    The diagnosis of multiple sclerosis (MS) hit me like a freight train, slamming my life into a whole new dimension; a lot of adjusting was needed. Suddenly, I found myself reevaluating just about everything. It’s an odd sensation, realizing that there are definite limits, and those options you thought were wide open are narrowing by…